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Accounts Payable Automation Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Best practices

Using AI requires a digital process; don’t let your competitors beat you here

Mikko Hytönen

November 2019 — What is digital? How much do you think about this basic question? When you stop and think about it, the term “digital,” in its most basic form, means zeros and ones. 0 and 1. But why should you care at all?

E-invoicing Trends Best practices

E-invoicing is Gaining Momentum, With Some Regions Pulling Out Ahead

Mikko Hytönen

July 2019 — Highlights from the Billentis E-Invoicing Report What’s the state of e-invoicing around the globe? The short answer is that momentum continues to build, but the pace varies from region to region and sector to sector. Advisory firm Billentis has just shared its insights into the world of e-invoicing...

E-invoicing Events Trends Best practices

E-invoicing Disruption, Exceptional AP Practices – Greetings from Exchange Summit Miami 2019

Sari Aapola

June 2019 — Even without the sun or a pool, I had a great time in Miami, catching up on the world of e-invoicing at the Exchange Summit. It was an opportunity to hear about best practices and some of the latest developments from practitioners all around the world. Lots of interesting information and insights...

Accounts Payable Automation Partners and Guests Trends Best practices

Moving on Up: AP Gets Strategic

Bob Cohen

May 2019 — The strategic value that Accounts Payable can bring to an organization is no longer questioned as it was for decades in the past. In fact, in a recent survey of 118 AP and Finance professionals in the Microsoft Dynamics ecosystem conducted by Dooap, AP leaders were asked ‘how valuable their AP team...

Accounts Payable Automation Webinar Best practices

Webinar: The State of AP Automation in the Microsoft Dynamics Ecosystem

Dooap Inc.

April 2019 — We analyzed the state of Accounts Payable Automation in the Dynamics ecosystem. In total, a sample of 118 responses was collected with a majority (97 percent) from North America. The results of the survey were analyzed by Ardent Partners, a renowned expert in purchase-to-pay efficiency.

Accounts Payable Automation Best practices

Now’s the Best Time to Automate

Anna Tujunen

February 2019 — Here’s a tip to help you increase efficiencies, save money and gain control over your liabilities and payments in the new year: automate. And if you’ve already automated some of your invoicing processes, then automate some more.

Accounts Payable Automation Tips & Tricks for AP Best practices

New Year’s Resolution: Eliminate Barriers to Automation

Sanna Kaarlejärvi

January 2019 — At the beginning of the year many finance professionals are faced with the pressures of year-end closing as well as the need to prepare financial statements. But, the new year also presents an opportunity to improve financial operations in order to gain greater efficiencies, accuracy and cost...

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