Premier Truck Rental (PTR) is a family-owned and operated business with over 25 years of equipment rental experience, serving all 50 states in the US. PTR provides truck, utility trailer, utility terrain vehicle, and equipment rentals to fit the needs of any project at any time, ensuring the rental process is seamless and the right fit to kickstart work for any project.

Project Details


Invoices Annually


Decrease in Approval Time for Invoices

Fort Wayne, Indiana


Equipment Rental


Complicated and
Invoice Processing


Offering a seamless process for their clients, PTR aimed to mirror smooth processes for their internal accounts payable work. Invoice processing, from manual data entry to invoice approval took up to 14 days through PTR’s typical AP process. The data entry for each invoice was manual and error-prone – the AP team wanted a way to auto-collect data from incoming invoices. Once an invoice was ready, it was sent for approval via email to the appropriate user. This process proved to be very time-consuming, as well as complicated for the approver. With 20,000 invoices processed annually, the time associated with processing invoices really began to pile up.

Automated Invoice Processing, from Capture to Approval  

To create a more seamless process for their accounts payable, PTR chose Dooap to automate their processes from top to bottom in D365 Finance, beginning with invoice data capture. PTR was first set up with CaaS (Capture as a Service) to bring invoices into Dooap’s AP automation software, allowing their team to spend time on more critical tasks and exceptions rather than manually keying in invoice data.  

With invoices routed straight into the Dooap system, PTR’s approval time for invoices was reduced drastically. The AP team feels that the intuitive Dooap desktop view and mobile app makes it incredibly simple for users in the organization to approve invoices straightaway. Leveraging Dooap workflows for different approval use-cases allowed the team to cut down time spent by approvers by several minutes per invoice 

As the saying goes, time is money – with 20,000 invoices, and 20 or so approvers saving an average of two minutes per invoice approval, the savings add up to 83 days in a year. 

With 83 days saved per year, business leaders at PTR can focus more on daily operations and longer-term strategy.  

Entire Organization Reaps Benefits from Simple Onboarding to AP Automation 

Getting set up with Dooap was straightforward for PTR, and their entire organization is reaping the benefits. As with any onboarding project, PTR faced minor speed bumps, but they’ve been supported by Dooap’s team with speedy responses and solutions for all questions that have arisen. Feedback throughout the organization has been positive, and the team is hopeful they will continue to see more benefits of automating their AP processes the more time passes using the Dooap system